SJSD Board Candidates Speak at Chamber Forum


Candidates running in the upcoming St. Joseph Board of Education election were the featured speaker at the Chamber’s Public Affairs Coffee today. All six candidates attended and gave their stances important to voters including their stances on the long-range plan, Prop 2 and open enrollment.

Voters will be asked to select two on the ballot. Candidates are: Jennifer Kerns, Brian Kirk, Kim Miller, James Mrkvicka, Kenneth Reeder, and Cassandra Veale. The election is Tuesday, April 8.

The forum was moderated by KFEQ 680 AM News Director Brent Martin and was broadcast live on the radio as well as streamed on To see a video of the livestream, see this site.

The Public Affairs Coffee series features issues involving social, economic, governmental, legislative and corporate activities that are of a concern to Chamber members and the business community. It’s presented by FSB.