First Farm Family of the Year Awarded at Farm City Breakfast


It was another great year for the Farm City Breakfast, with about 600 people in attendance at the 21st annual St. Joseph Chamber of Commerce event.

The Farm City Breakfast recognizes the farmer/producer and the importance of agribusiness to the area economy. Members of the farming and other agribusiness fields come together for networking, to hear a keynote speaker and more. Proceeds go toward Agriculture Future of America (AFA)
Scholarships for area students pursuing agricultural-related degrees. This St. Joseph Chamber of Commerce event is a leader in providing AFA scholarships.

The first Farm Family of the Year Award was given to the Casey and Ashley Spencer family. They are fourth generation farmers in DeKalb, Mo. Their operation includes raising corn, soybeans, hay, cattle and show pigs. They are involved in 4-H, Buchanan County Farm Bureau, MFA Advisory Board, MFA Oil Delegate, youth sports, as well as their church. They were nominated for the award by MFA Inc. which said in the nomination form: “The Spencers continue to be innovative in the advancing agriculture world, as well as model the importance of giving back locally to their community.”

This year Kevin Wanzer was the keynote speaker. He had spoken at the National FFA Conference and gave an entertaining presentation about his life and making connections.

The Farm City Breakfast is presented by LifeLine Foods. The Farm Family of the Year Award is presented by MFA Agri Services. A video of the Spencers was created and presented by Eagle Communications 680 KFEQ.